Kehinde M. & Elvis K. Avenyo | Manuel M. Godinho
Wed, 03 Mar
|ZOOM online
LECTURE-9: NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF INNOVATION AS AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOOL. by Dr. Kehinde Medase, College of Business & Economics, University of Johannesburg, SA. & Elvis K Avenyo, Oxford TMCD, University of Oxford CHAIR: Professor Godinho, Manuel Fernando Cilia De Mira, ISEG University of Lisbon

Time & Location
03 Mar 2021, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm GMT
ZOOM online
About the Event
The lecture covers the following:
-Structural change and the social and economic challenges of underdevelopment
-Building accumulative capabilities
-Economic and technological catch-up and Catching up strategies
-Mission oriented innovation policies, financing innovation for development
The chair:
Manuel Mira Godinho is Full Professor of Economics at ISEG, the Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon; Coordinator of a Masters program in the area of S&T and Innovation studies; Associate Dean for Research of ISEG since July 2018. He has been lecturing since 1983 both undergraduate and postgraduate courses of applied and theoretical economics, particularly in the fields of technological change, industrial development and industrial property. Was responsible for the introduction of formal teaching and a course on industrial property at the University of Lisbon. Coordinated a post-graduate programme based on a protocol between ISEG/Technical University of Lisbon, INPI from Portugal and WIPO. Since 1995 has supervised several PhD and MSc dissertations related to innovation and IP studies. Has an extensive experience as consultant to organisations in the industry, government and higher education sectors. Has been author or co-author of several reports and evaluations for both Portuguese and foreign entities, including the European Commission. Was Dean of ISEG in 2017-2018. Is a member of UECE, the Research Unit on Complexity and Economics. Has integrated the Academic Advisory Board of the Eurpean Patent Office Academy since 2016.
Stephen Kehinde Medase holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the University of Ghana (Catholic University College Campus, Fiapre-Sunyani) in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration; a Master of Science and PhD Degree in Economics from Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. Kehinde participated in many conferences within and outside of Germany, where he presented most of his current and upcoming projects. Amongst the conferences are the 17th International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS) conference on Innovation, Catch-up, and Sustainable Development in Seoul, South Korea, 2nd Annual Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography at Utrecht University, the Netherlands-September 2-4, 2019. He also presented his work at the Annual Conference of the Verein fur Socialpolitik in Leipzig, Germany, September 22 to 25, 2019: 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: Democracy and Market Economy; Openness 19-21 June 2019, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. International Conference on African Entrepreneurship and Innovation at De Montfort University (DMU), Leicester, 13&14 June 2019. 16th Globelics International Conference Accra, Ghana: Innovation Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Strengthening Institutions for Greater Relevance, Effectiveness and Industry: 24-26 October 2018. He has published papers in notable journals such as the European Journal of Innovation Management and Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. His primary research interests lie in Econometrics, the Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Knowledge Exploration, which includes Open Innovation, Creativity & Knowledge Management; Firm Strategy and Performance, Innovation and Growth; International and Development Economics, Urban Economics and Economic Geography. Kehinde is available to work either in the industry or academia as a researcher or lecturer.
More about Stephen Kehinde Medase
Elvis Korku Avenyo is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Competition, Regulation, and Economic Development (CCRED) and a Researcher on the Inclusive Digital Model (IDMODEL) Project at the Technology and Management Centre for Development (TMCD), Oxford Department of International Development (ODID), University of Oxford. He was also a Global Excellence and Stature (GES) Fellow, and Open AIR’s Queen Elizabeth’s Scholar (QES) at the South African Research Chair in Industrial Development Unit, University of Johannesburg. He has teaching and other work-related experiences from Maastricht University, University of Cape Coast, and the International Labour Organization (ILO- Geneva).
Elvis obtained his Ph.D. in Economics of Innovation, Policy Studies of Technical Change and Governance from the United Nations University (UNU-MERIT)/Maastricht University, The Netherlands. He holds a collaborative Master of Philosophy (M Phil.) in Economics from the University of Cape Coast and the African Economic Research Consortium’s Joint Facility for Electives: Collaborative Masters Programme (CMAP) in Economics.
He researches broadly on development economics with interests in innovation, technical change, industrial development, labour markets, firm behaviour, and with a focus on developing countries. He has also conducted research on trade, global value chains, and COVID-19, among other related issues.
Elvis has published in reputable academic journals such as Research Policy, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, and several working papers. He has a host of revised submissions to highly ranked journals in Economics, and also co-authored a chapter in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations’ UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030, published in 2015..